Getting back in the swing of dating after a relationship has ended

So, You have been single for a while after coming out of a long-term relationship or marriage, and you now feel you are ready to start dating again.
But where to start? You have had the liberating feeling after the tears and worries have stopped and its time to get back in the saddle. You will feel scared and wary of letting anyone close again, or starting a new relationship as you are concerned you will get your heart broken. You feel you have been out of the game for so long that you will not know what to do. But the key to it is to take things at your own pace. Never do anything that you feel uncomfortable with doing. There are no hard and fast rules with dating and starting a new relationship, so relax and take it easy and at your own pace. Never feel pressured into doing anything or meeting someone. Take your time and go with the flow. Embrace the attention you will get but do not rely on it. Take advantage of the compliments to boost your self-esteem. One of the benefits of online dating is the fact you will gain so much more confidence as you are hidden behind a screen and you can even be a little riskier than you usually would be. Just the word ‘dating’ can put the fear of god into some people. It is a scary world out there and as we embrace technology and social media even more, it can be very daunting. But, it does not need to be. It can actually be a fun time. And that’s not in a sexual way ;) So lets have a lighthearted look at the pros and cons of dating again and getting into a relationship.

  • Pro: You are not stuck in alone on a Saturday night.
  • Con: You have to remember to record x-factor!

  • Pro: You can use the buy one get one free at the theme parks.

  • Con: You run the risk of them seeing you throw up from the roller-coasters.

  • Pro : You do not feel like a loner anymore when you go to the cinema.

  • Con: you have to share your popcorn

  • Pro: You can have company when you go out for dinner
  • Con: they may have appalling table manners

  • Pro : you can finally use that plus one on a invitation.

  • Con: They may be a total embarrassment on the dance floor!!

  • Pro: you will have someone to laugh at your jokes.

  • Con: they may not finding you funny.

  • Pro: you can share your KitKat and halve the calories

  • Con: You HAVE to share your KitKat

  • Pro: You have to make a effort with your appearance.

  • Con: You HAVE to make a EFFORT with your appearance.

  • Pro: Feeling like you have someone to share your problems with

  • Con: Having to share someone else's problems

  • Pro: Having someone to pet other that your cat

  • Con : they may prefer to pet the cat than you.

  • Pro: having someone to watch a decent box set with

  • Con: having to wait for them to watch it

So basically you are the holder to your own destiny and your are the master of all your plans. You are in control and feel empowered in this online world of dating! But remember....please be safe but most importantly have fun!!!
